Creating Permission Set Groups to control the visibility of the ‘Related To’, 'Business Unit', and ‘Tags’ fields on the e2a email client


Want to customize e2a email client as per your needs? We are here to help!

To control the visibility of certain fields on the e2a email client, custom permissions have been introduced into the app. To use these settings for controlling the visibility of 'Related To', 'Business Unit' or 'Tags' fields, a Permission Set Group can be made. 

Instructions to Hide the fields

Please follow these stepwise instructions to create a permission set group in the org for restricting ‘Related To', 'Business Unit’ and ‘Tags’ field visibility on the e2a email client, for the ‘e2a email user’ permission set:

  1. In the Quick Find Box type Permission Set Group. Click Permission Set Group
  2. Click the ‘New Permission Set Group button
  3. Enter a suitable Label and Description
  4. Click Save
  5. Once the new Permission Set Group loads with the details, click "Permission Sets in Groups" under the Permission Sets section and click the "Add Permission Set" button
  6. Select e2a Email User Permission Set and add it to the group
  7. Click on "Muting Permission Set in Group" under the Permission Sets section
  8. Click New and create a "Muting Permission Set in Group" record
  9. Click on the newly created "Muting Permission Set in Group" record to open it
  10. From this page click on "Custom Permissions"
  11. Under Custom Permissions click Edit
  12. Enable the 'Mute' checkbox against any/all of these available custom permissions, as per your requirement:
    1. ortoo_e2a.Ortoo e2a Email Client - Related To Editable
    2. ortoo_e2a.Ortoo e2a Email Client - Tags Editable
    3. Ortoo e2a Email Client - Business Unit Editable
  13.  Click save
  14. Assign this newly created permission set group to users who are required to have the standard ‘e2a Email User’ permission set

Repeat the above steps for the e2a Email Manager permission set (where/if required). Create another new custom permission set group, the same as above, and, in step 6, assign the 'e2a Email Manager' permission set and assign it to the users who are required to have a standard ‘e2a Email Manager’ permission set.



Please note that these custom permission sets and permission set groups will need to be kept up to date manually every time you go through future e2a upgrades. These cloned permission sets are custom to each org and cannot be shipped within the e2a package.


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