Logging Service in e2a - Quick Start Guide & FAQs
How to see/collect Logs using Logging Service in e2a?
Available from e2a version: 3.4955
e2a has introduced a Logging Service to help admins/managers better inspect unexpected situations. This will replace the need to hook the default Salesforce functionality of using 'Debug Logs' to collect logs for e2a. The Logging feature is turned OFF by default in the package. It can be turned ON by adding a record under Custom Settings. If turned ON, it will capture any erroneous situation automatically and, in case a user wants to have detailed logs, log levels can be adjusted through custom settings provided for managing the Logging Service.
Logging Service Objects:
e2a Log Requests: Log Requests are created for events being triggered within e2a and a log request can contain many log entries. In e2a's context, a log request will be created against an inbound email and this log request can contain a lot of Log Entries.
e2a Log Entries: Log Entries are actual operations happening under a log request. In e2a's context, a log entry can contain the details of an field assignment rule's processing. More details about Log Entry fields can be seen below:
- Log Number: A system generated auto number being assigned to log entries.
- Logged By: User who is performing any operation. It will be context user of the e2a.
- Quiddity: Type of the operation for which log entry is being created.
- System Area: Area within the app to whcih this log entry belongs to.
- Location: The object record on which the operation has been performed. For example, it can be a case/lead record or an e2a email rule etc.
- Parent: This will be the record located one level above the Location record on which operation is performed.
- Location Grandparent: It refers to the record located one level above the parent record.
- In case of an inbound email processing, an email record will be designated as Location, the respective case recor as Parent and the respective e2a email rule will be considered as Location Grandparent.
- Level: This refers to the log levels of ERROR, INFO or WARN.
- Message: Gives brief introduction of the process/operation performed under a log entry.
- Additional Details: Contains any additional details regarding the log entry data. (Fig 2)
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Who can access Logs/Logging Service tabs?
A user with e2a Administrator permission set has complete read and edit access to logging service tabs, objects and their records.
A user with e2a Manager permission set has only read access to logging service tabs, objects and their records.
- Additionally, e2a Logs Administrator permission set can be assigned to a user (which already has 'e2a Manager' permission set) to give them admin access to logging service related tabs and functionality.
Search Log Entries using Filters
In App Launcher, you will find e2a Log Entries Search tab which you can use to perform searches on log entries based on filters such as 'System Area', 'Location / Record', 'Logged After', 'Logged Before'.
Turn ON Logging Service in e2a
e2a's logging service gives users flexibility to choose what to log and alter criteria for auto-deletion of logs. Below is a sample configuration/setting which can be added under Setup >> Custom Settings >> Logger Settings to start the Logging service of e2a.
- Deletion Batch Size = 2000;
- Deletion auto-enabled = true;
- Log Entries Deletion Percentage = 10
- Log Entries Deletion Threshold = 25000
- Store Error Logs = true
- Store Info Logs = false
- Store Warn Logs = false
How does logs deletion work?
The deletion event will get triggered when Log Entries Deletion Threshold reaches the set threshold value.
How to customize the criteria for auto-deletion of logs and change log levels?
Go to Setup >> Custom Settings.
Look for Logger Settings and click 'Manage'.
- Click 'New' for Default Organization Level Value.
- Enter custom values as per your requirements, as can be seen in the screenshot below.
- Click 'Save' and your custom settings will be saved.
Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.
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