How to create, share and use e2a AI Prompts
In the e2a email client, AI prompts help users easily make and control their own prompts. AI prompts are employed to empower users in the creation and management of context-based AI prompts, offering limitless possibilities for customization.
Note: In order to use Ortoo AI Services, install/upgrade the e2a package with version 3.4934 or higher.
How to create an AI Prompt
- Go to 'e2a AI Services' tab and click 'All' in AI prompts section:
- We will be directed to the list view of AI prompts. Click 'New' button to create a new AI prompt.
- The fields of AI prompt can be filled in as per the definitions mentioned here.
- Click 'Save'
- Open the AI prompt
How to share an AI Prompt
Sharing settings are essential because, initially, only the user who created the AI prompt will be able to access or use that particular AI prompt. If we want multiple users to be able to use the AI prompt, we need to follow the below-mentioned steps.
- Open an already created AI prompt and click on the 'Sharing' button available under the carrot as shown below:
- Then add the name of the user or the group of users with whom you want to share the AI prompt and give them the right level of access:
There are two levels of access: 'Read Only' and 'Read/Write'. We can add our user and select the level of access we want to give them and then click Save.
- Read Only: As the name suggests, with this level of access, users can only view the AI prompt.
- Read/Write: With this level of access, users can view and edit the AI prompt.
How to use AI prompt in e2a
- When a new/ reply email is composed with no related object, the context object in the AI prompt will be 'e2a Email'. All prompts which have ‘Context Object Type’ set as ‘e2a Email’ will be visible in the list of prompts on the Email Client. For example, we can see the AI prompt available to us on e2a email client page.
- Click on Execute to load the AI prompt in the email body.
Undo Last Execute button: Undo will be allowed only once per prompt execution i.e. the button will be disabled initially when no prompt is executed by pressing the Execute button explicitly. Then, when the Execute is pressed, we will be able to go back only once as the Undo button will be disabled after 1 press and will take us back to the previous state (before the last execution).
- Click on Execute to load the AI prompt in the email body.
- When a 'New' email is composed with a related object such as Lead, the context object type is Lead.
- When a 'Reply' email is composed with a related object such as Lead, the context object is e2a Email and the email record, which we are replying to, will be added to the context along with all the Lead and current user's data in the context.
Note: Only the related object prompt will be visible. For example, if the Context Object Type is set as e2a email, then only e2a email AI prompts will be visible in the 'Email AI Prompt' list.
AI prompt in email templates
We can add an AI prompt reference in an email template using the format ‘[[AiPrompt.Result:a01234567892xyzabc]]’ or ‘[[AiPrompt.StructuredDataPropertyName:a01234567892xyzabc]]’ (in case of Structured Data Prompts). The generic part will be replaced by the AI prompt ID. When a template contains an AI prompt reference, upon loading of the template, the AI response for the referred prompt will be fetched and added to the email body.
Note: If there is more than one AI prompt placeholder in the email template, then only the first one will be loaded when the template loads.
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