Why am I not receiving emails in Salesforce?
If you are sending emails in to your Email Service Address, but are not seeing the emails appear in Salesforce, then please run through the following before contacting support:
Email Service Settings
- Assuming you have created an Email Service (from Setup | Develop | Email Services) please make sure the Email Service 'Accept Emails From' and each email address of the Email Service's 'Accept Emails From' is either blank or set to the address where you are sending emails from. Please note that there are two levels of this setting one for 'Email Service' and one for each 'Email Address' in it
- Make sure Email Service is set to 'Active'
- Make sure 'Advanced Email Security Settings' is unchecked as this feature tends to block certain emails from being received
Unmatched Emails
- If emails are not creating or attaching to the target object (such as Lead or whichever object you have selected), then go to e2a Unmatched Emails tab and see if emails are sitting there. Any emails that fail to match (i.e. generate/update a record of Lead) are transferred to the unmatched queue.
- If any of your email is there then it indicates the email couldn't be matched to an existing record in Salesforce, or an error occurred when processing the email rule for this email. Open that email and you can look at the 'Reason Not Matched' and 'Error Information', most probably hinting the reason why a record of target object was not fount/created/updated.
- One of most common reason for failure is having no mapping to mandatary fields of the target object’s record e.g. in case of Lead Last Name, Company are mandatory fields (unless you have any other custom fields on Lead that are also mandatory) and they need to be mapped in e2a Email Rules tab | Email Rules.
Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.
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