Comparison of e2a's email client with Salesforce native email client

The following table describes the differences between the e2a email client and Standard Salesforce email client and how e2a's is advanced compared to Salesforce's native email client.


E2a Email Client

Salesforce Standard Email Client

Business Unit: Business units provide the ability to specify different settings for e2a’s email client for different business areas within an organization. For example an e2a business unit can be defined for Sales & Marketing Team, another one can be created for Accounting team and so on.

Not Available

Related To: Related To field in e2a email client allows to relate/attach the email to more than one Standard/Custom salesforce objects.

Not Available

E2a Distribution Lists: e2a provides the ability to create an email distribution list that is made up of a selected list of contacts and/or users. An e2a user with e2a Administrator or e2a Manager permissions could add users/contacts in the distribution lists. These lists are handy when sending emails to multiple contacts/users of a category by providing an easy way to add them all.

Not Available

Lookup against To, CC, and BCC field allows two level search

  1. Simple search based on name From-Address from following available records:
    1. All Contact records
    2. All Lead records
    3. All User records
    4. Distribution Lists
  2. Advanced Search allows defining filters based on a criteria to filter records from Contact, Lead, User and Distribution Lists and adding the resulting contacts, leads, users or distribution list to respective fields.

Lookup against To, CC, and BCC field allows  simple search based on name from the following available records:

  1. All User records

Allows selection or deselection of BCC field

Not Available

Allows users to mark the importance of email Highest/High/Normal/Low/Lowest with the help of an available field named Importance

Not Available

Tags are like labels that can be used to organize your Emails. On each email, you can add one or multiple numbers of Tags. Tags have a maximum length of 20 characters composed from any unique combination of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, spaces and -, ., /, \. 

Not Available

e2a email client also supports 

  1. 18 font types

  2. 7 font sizes starting from 8pt - 36pt.

  3. 4 types of alignment

    1. Align left

    2. Align right

    3. Align center

    4. Align Justify

  4. Headings in email

  5. Inline formatting 

  6. Tables with permission of adding rows and columns and manipulations of cells within the already existing table along with functions like:

    1. Insert row before

    2. Insert row after

    3. Delete row

    4. Cut row 

    5. Paste row

    6. Paste row before

    7. Paste row after

    8. Insert column before

    9. Insert column after

    10. Delete column

    11. Cell properties

    12. Merge cells

    13. Split cells

  7. Insertion of Inline images

Standard Salesforce Email Client supports

  1. 4 font types 

  2. 7 font types starting from 8px - 16px

  3. 3 types of alignment namely:

    1. Left justify

    2. Right justify

    3. Center justify



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