How does e2a compare to Email-to-Case?

Feature comparison e2a vs Email-to-Case




Email to Case

Create Case records from incoming emails

Store full email history against each Case
Email, reply and forward emails from each Case directly from within Salesforce
Draft emails, including shared drafts and autosave
Duplicate prevention to stop new cases being created when people hit Reply-all on the original email
Advanced Email Editor
Distribution Lists - email to lists of people defined within Salesforce
Advanced Contact Search - Case Account Contacts, All Contacts, All Leads, Distribution Lists, Users
Can work without a ref code on every email e.g. [ref:_00D20K7p6._500D015etOO:ref]
Configurable field mappings - allow any email data to be mapped to any Case fields
Advanced Case ownership rules - assign Case ownership to queues or users based on email data
Business Units - Set defaults for users based on membership of Business Unit
Relate emails to multiple objects - allow an email to link to multiple objects, not just case












































Email editor screenshots

e2a has a far more advanced email editor than Email-to-Case has, which uses the built-in one that comes with Salesforce


Here is a screenshot of the built-in email editor for Email-to-Case. It is fairly basic with limited features:


Here is the email editor that comes with e2a:

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