How to create a view for Orphaned e2a Emails?
View for Orphaned e2a Emails
When you delete any record (e.g. Lead, account etc.) record, the e2a Emails associated with that record are not deleted automatically and hence get orphaned, continuing to consume space. To view/access these e2a emails at a single place, we can create a separate view for these emails so they can be dealt with collectively and easily.
Steps to Create a view for Orphaned e2a Emails
- Go to 'e2a Emails' tab and click on 'Create new View' (If you don't have 'e2a Emails' tab created, please see our help page here to create tab for e2a Emails)
- Enter any suitable name for the view in the field 'View Name' e.g. Orphan Emails
- Select Filter by Owner type: All e2a Emails
- In Filter By Additional Fields (Optional) create two filters:
- Field = Lead, Operator = Equals, Value = '' (blank value)
- Field = Object Owner, Operator = Equals, Value = 00Q (00Q is the ID for Lead object. Please enter the ID of the object, whose orphaned e2a emails you want to view) Please see the screenshot below for further clarification
- Add Filter Logic: 1 AND 2 (For further clarification about the Filters and Filter Logic, see the screenshot below)
- In the last section Select Fields to Display, Select the required fields to be shown on view. (Select them from Available Fields and add in them Selected Fields)
- Set the 'Restrict Visibility' type as per your requirements.
- Click Save
You can now see this new view in the 'View' dropdown of e2a emails tab.
Please contact us at for any questions.
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