How to default the Location in the Attachment pop-up on the e2a email client?

Attachment pop-up on the e2a email client

While composing emails on the e2a email client, users can attach files to the email from multiple Locations. Including My Computer, Documents, Files, Related <object> Attachments and Related <object> Email Attachments.



The Location preference is stored for each User individually in the e2a User Settings object. The default Location can be viewed/edited via changing the value stored in the related field on the e2a User Settings


To default value of the Location preference for a specific User can be viewed by going to Developer Console and running the query below


SELECT Id, ortoo_e2a__EC_Default_Attachment_Location__c FROM ortoo_e2a__User_Settings__c WHERE ortoo_e2a__User__r.Id = '<Add User Id>'

The following locations can be set by adding the following values


Location Associated Value for ortoo_e2a__EC_Default_Attachment_Location__c 
My Computer <Object Prefix>=>LOCAL; 
Documents  <Object Prefix>=>DOCUMENTS;
Files <Object Prefix>=>FILES;
Related <Object> Attachments  <Object Prefix>=>RELATED_OBJECT_EMAIL;
Related <Object> Email Attachments <Object Prefix>=>RELATED_OBJECT;


The <Object Prefix> can be set according to which Object the e2a email client is accessed from e.g. For Lead it can be set to 001 [ 001=>LOCAL;]


To change the Location preference for a specific user follow the steps below

  1. Go to Developer Console 
  2. Add the query below in the query editor and click on Execute button
    • SELECT Id, ortoo_e2a__EC_Default_Attachment_Location__c FROM ortoo_e2a__User_Settings__c WHERE ortoo_e2a__User__r.Id = '<Add User Id>'
  3. Edit the Location value and click on Save Row button


Please contact us at for any questions.

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