What is the purpose of the 'Send Multiple Emails to Individual Recipients' checkbox?


The 'Send Multiple Emails to Individual Recipients' checkbox ensures that when sending an email to multiple recipients, each recipient receives the email separately, without seeing the other recipients' email addresses. It is available on email editor/email client page, as shown below:

How do I set the 'Send Multiple Emails to Individual Recipients' checkbox as checked by default?

To set this checkbox as checked by default, follow the steps below:

  1. Create a Custom Metadata Type:

    • Go to Setup in Salesforce.
    • Search for and select Custom Metadata Types.
    • Click New.
    • Set the Object Name to 'e2a_Customer_Settings' (you can customize the label as needed).
    • Click Save.
  2. Add a Custom Field to the Custom Metadata Type:

    • Go to the newly created custom metadata type: 'e2a_Customer_Settings__mdt'.
    • Under Custom Fields, click New.
    • Set the Field Name to 'Value' (customize the label and length as per your requirements).
    • Click Save.

  3. Create a Setting Record for 'Send Multiple Emails to Individual Recipients':

    • Go to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > e2a_Customer_Settings__mdt.
    • Click Manage
    • Click New to create a new setting record.
    • Set the Name to 'Send_Email_To_Individual_Recipients'.
    • Set the Value to 'true' to have the checkbox checked by default, or 'false' to leave it unchecked.
    • Click Save.

Can I customize the labels and field names?

Yes, you can customize the labels and field names to suit your needs, as long as the functionality remains intact.

Where can I manage this setting after it is created?

Once the setting is configured, you can manage it by navigating to Setup > Custom Metadata Types > e2a_Customer_Settings__mdt > Manage. Here, you can create, update, or delete records as needed.

Why use Custom Metadata Types for this setting?

Using Custom Metadata Types allows you to store and manage configuration settings at the application level. This approach provides flexibility and central control without requiring custom code, making it easier to maintain and update your settings across your Salesforce organization.

Is this approach recommended by Salesforce?

Yes, Salesforce recommends using Custom Metadata Types for settings like this. It provides a scalable and maintainable way to manage configurations within your Salesforce environment without modifying the underlying code.


Please contact us at support@ortooapps.com for any questions.

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